Bentley Race: Sexy blond muscle boy Junior Varga in Budapest

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Junior half naked with a beautiful fat cock hanging out of his Aussiebums at Bentley Race download full movie torrent Bentley Race: Sexy blond muscle boy Junior Varga in Budapest

We had a fantastic time travelling around Europe over the holiday season. It was unusual for us to be having a winter Christmas when it’s the hottest time of the year at home in Australia. But we were glad that the men in Europe had no problem getting their clothes off for us when it was so cold outside. We started our trip a very long way from home in Budapest where we were met and welcomed by this sexy Hungarian porn star Junior Varga. At just 20 years old this straight stud has already starred in gay porn movies for some very big studios. I had some of his work just before we arrived so I couldn’t wait to meet him. Zac and I drew straws to decide who was going to shoot Junior stripping off and jacking off on video. Zac won and they quickly disappeared in to Zac’s hotel room. I snuck a peek in their later and saw Junior half naked with a beautiful fat cock hanging out of his Aussiebums. The foreskin lovers are going to like Junior very thick hood. There’s a lot to play with down there. Junior put on a great solo show and blew a nice load of cum as he lay back on Zac’s bed wanking over a porno video. What a nice welcome to Budapest! See more of Varga at Bentley Race.

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