Tag naked man

Claude Sorel

Newbie Claude spills his beans! Belami says: Claude Sorel is Johnny Bloom’s best buddy. He’s named after Julien Sorel, from Stendhal’s The Red and the Black. When Johnny arrived, somewhat afraid of his own shadow and not really sure of…

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Mass gay orgy Max Carter, Kyle Ross, Evan Parker, Tyler Hill, Blake Mitchell, Joey Mills sucking and fucking

Max Carter and Kyle Ross hung 10 inches double-penetrating Joey Mills while Evan Parker, Tyler Hill and Blake Mitchell pound out their California dreams!…… Helix says: California’s sexiest lifeguards have been dedicated to learning mouth-to-mouth, waxing each other’s boards, and…

Read MoreMass gay orgy Max Carter, Kyle Ross, Evan Parker, Tyler Hill, Blake Mitchell, Joey Mills sucking and fucking