Axel Agabo

Nude bodybuilder Axel jerks his huge muscle cock!…… Axel Agabo stats: Age:28 years old, Weight:210 lbs, Height:5’6 ft, Chest:48 in, Waist:44 in, Bicep:18 in, Thigh:30 in, Lang: English Live Muscle Show says: Powermen’s Axel Agabo’s muscled body is packed with…

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Suddenly Graham quits jerking and explodes in a forceful cumshot!…… Sean Cody says: Sexy young muscle boy Graham has a handsome face and a great smile. As he slips down his swim shorts he reveals a tight muscle body with…

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Naked surfer Aaron jerks out a big cumload over his furry abs!……… Island Studs says: Straight surfer Aaron, is a cute flirtatious blond hunk. He loves to get naked around the house showing off his white hairy ass. Watch him…

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Brody has a gay man’s dream physique with a big bulge in his shorts!……. Sean Cody says: Sexy young muscle hunk Brody’s big shoulders, well developed chest and huge arm muscles are a gay man’s dream physique. The cock bulge…

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